Sunday, July 1, 2012

Justin update - 1st July 2012

We are now on our second night of Ward life 108 and again Janie and I have settled into our makeshift sleeping quarters sandwiched in between Justin's bed and the poor old lady to my right. Her brain drain bag hangs to my right, brushing my shoulder as I type and her bag 'o' wee is tickling my left foot, It's oh so glamourous. Please forgive me for I am trying to make light of what really is quite a dire situation. The matron has just been round, she scowls at us every time she see us, we are expected to be Justin's 24 hour nurse care and with zero preparation we are simply at loss as to what we are supposed to be doing. There are 3 nurses to approx 50 patients, in essence, they are massively understaffed and overworked. We are learning new skills every minute.

As for Justin, he has spent the majority of the day with his eyes open, he is still not fully conscious so it's hard to say how aware he is of whats going on. This is really hard to see, on the one hand all we have been doing over the last week is willing him to open his eyes, now that he has, we are starting to see the confusion in them. We want him to get to the next step as quickly as possible but we know that after 8 days of deep coma, the process of coming out of it is not going to be like waking up from a deep sleep.

According to the Doctors, his coma scale has improved and considering where he was only 4 days ago, they seem satisfied with his progress. They really don't give much else away but they are happy to release Justin on Monday if we decide to move him to the private hospital. We're just weighing up the risks of keeping him here for a few more days against the stress of the 90min journey by ambulance. His fever has now completely gone and we are working towards removing the breathing tube and closing his throat, that would be nice to see.

Mum and Dad spent all day with him today, they will again relieve us of our duties tomorrow morning at about 9am. In the meantime, Justin is sound asleep, even snoring a little, this is quite comforting to see and actually i'm even a little envious. It's now 1.00am, the nurses will be around at 5.00am.

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