Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Justin update - 3rd July 2012

Well it didn't quite go according to plan. Justin is not lying peacefully under crisp white sheets, there is not a waft of cool air billowing out of the aircon unit, there is no aircon unit. In fact there is very little air at all or water for that matter. Yep you guessed it, the move didn't happen and so we're still in ward 108 for one more night at least.

It's now 3.15am and Janie is standing over Justin stroking his arm, he's been drifting in and out of sleep for most of the day, when he's awake, he seems more alert than yesterday but he's had a tough day. The doctors felt that that they wanted to remove his stitches and throat pipe before discharging him which is fair enough, it's better that it's done sooner rather that later so we agreed to wait another day. It's an anxious time all round, we can see Justin slowly come back to us and we all know that the process will take some time but it doesn't stop us wanting it quicker. Mum and dad took over from Janie and myself at about 11.am and have spent much of the day with him, Dad cracked a joke at one point and is convinced he saw a wry smile from Justin, we tried it again tonight and saw a similar look. Who knows, he hasn't got a great deal to smile about but it was nice to see a different expression on his face for a brief moment.

I feel like all progress is on hold until we can move him to the private hospital. The hospital is called the Nusi, it has an excellent reputation and is the best place for him in Goa. The Government hospitals in India are there to provide the most basic level of care in the most dreadful conditions imaginable. On my morning trip to the canteen, I was met with a dog shit in the corridor, I didn't tread in it but someone already had, god knows where they had walked it. When I returned to the ward there seemed to be a hive of activity. Nurses were running around handing out blue pyjamas to the patience, many of whom are in a coma with similar head injuries to Justin. Sheets were being changed with a new enthusiasm that we hand't witnessed, someone even came round to mop the floor, the first time in 4 days, a maintenance man wandered casually around the beds waving an adjustable spanner, and the doctors donned their white overalls covering up their normal jeans and t-shirts. It turns out it was inspection day. I suggested to the matron that they clean the toilets and get some running water, she saw the funny side and laughed. She is now our friend and even commended us on how well we are caring for Justin, we'll take all the praise we can get at the moment, we're doing our best but it's really not good enough and that is tough to accept when thats all we have at the moment.

My heart is breaking at the sight of Justin lying there, he was always my heroic older brother who was the best at everything he did. I spent my childhood chasing records and achievements that he set but never once got disappointed that I couldn't better him. I was just proud to call him my older brother.

I am so humbled by all the love and support from friends, old and new, near and far and even strangers. It's been staggering to think that so many people from all over the world are thinking about Justin and wishing him a speedy recovery. I left Nepal last Friday morning leaving Anita with birds to care for, a business to run, a building project to manage and a baby to look after, thanks to those that have helped her out, It won't be forgotten, Justin is her family too. Since being here we have been showered with love from Susan and Sinead who have housed us, fed us and pretty much done everything we have needed and more. And now Max who has just told me about the fund raising campaign to help pay for Justin's medical expenses. I can't tell you how much this means to me, my family and Janie. All we want is for Justin to have the best possible chance to recover who doesn't want that for their family and loved ones.

For now, we are bedding down down for night, we've just turned Justin onto his right side, he seems comfortable for now but it's difficult to tell. He just made a small murmur, the first sound he's made since he told Janie that he had a headache on the way to the hospital last Wednesday morning.


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