Monday, July 2, 2012

Justin update - 2nd July 2012

This is Justin's third night in ward 108 and our last of sleeping on the floor next to him and the bag lady to my right, bless her. Her bag 'o' wee is full to bursting, I'm worried that my un-manicured toe nails will nick it in the night and flood our sleeping quarters. We are expected to empty our own bags, her family have been slacking somewhat on the maintenance. They have however kindly shifted her bed over a couple of inches, it has made all the difference, Janie and I can now lay together side by side quite comfortably.

Not that we are sleeping, Justin seems restless, it's one of the hottest nights so far and he's sweating and agitated. He's also becoming more aware of his surroundings and naturally getting more anxious. Justin has been known to come around from an operation and within minutes discharge himself whilst still pulling the wadding from his nose. It's unlikely to happen here but that's who we're dealing with. Like yesterday, he has spent much of the day with his eyes open, he is tracking movements, people, objects, he's even trying to move his lips as if to speak, he can't of course as he still has the tube in his throat. We're really hoping that once this is removed, we'll here a whisper pass his lips. Who knows what he'll say.

5 minutes ago, Janie mopped his brow, Justin looked at her and squeezed her hand, I think this is the first time that he has done this voluntarily, a huge sign that his motor skills are returning. As his 24 hour nursing care, we are expected to do pretty much everything that is required, this includes clearing out his lungs and preventing the build up of secretion. Of all the things we have to do, this is the most distressing for both Justin and myself. It involves beating Justin's chest with cupped hands quite hard, then leaning him forward and repeating this on his back. We then lie him back down, put a tube down his throat pipe and suck out the secretion, He clearly hates it and looks in total discomfort. It's heartbreaking to see him displaying those emotions. I've found it's better to place a cloth over his eyes when we do this. This way, he doesn't have to see who is doing it to him and we don't have to watch him hate us as we do it. It may seem slightly cruel but It's just like hooding a falcon :)

A decision was made earlier today to move Justin to the private hospital tomorrow around mid day, we simply can't keep him in this ward a minute longer than we have to. The doctors here have done a great job saving his life but when it comes to aftercare, you are very much on your own. the conditions are truly shocking, It feels like we are on that TV program "Banged up abroad" Justin is the main suspect and we are all guilty by association. I took some pictures of the toilet earlier, I had planned to post them here but I actually can't bring myself to, they are that bad. There has been no running water in the toilet now for 2 days, can you believe it!

A big day looms tomorrow, a journey to new beginnings for Justin. I can't wait to see him laying under clean sheets in a private aircon room being taken care of by proper qualified nurses 24 hours per day. Lets face it, he deserves nothing less.

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