Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Justin update - 17th July 2012

The big news today, and for the second time since his accident 27 days ago, Justin has now been moved from the ICU. But this time, he wasn't shoved along a dirty corridor, dodging dog shit and rain puddles then dumped in Ward 108. For this move we held hands whilst his bed glided across the smooth polished floors, along the bright and airy hallway towards room 269. A private room with views across the green grassy fields, cable TV, en-suit and a spare bed for us to sleep on. Justin is finally somewhere where we can all focus on the next stage of his recovery, where he can feel more comfortable and relaxed in his surroundings.

I have a good feeling about this phase and I think Justin does too. Dad was telling him about his rather unfortunate day yesterday, first he tripped over the back door step, hurting his shoulder and ribs, he then left the house and forgot about the dog meat cooking away on the stove, returning an hour later to a house full of smoke and 2 bewildered dogs staring at a pot of charred meat. Lastly, and he blames me, for making him shave his hair off so he could look like his 2 sons. I admit, it was my suggestion but I didn't expect him to go through with it. Justin then flashed Dad one of his magic smiles, you know the type. Proof that despite all of this, he's still got his sense of humour.

Now that Justin is in his own room, we'll be keeping a 24 hour bedside vigil. Mum is with him now, she'll be spending the night and Dad will relieve her tomorrow morning. I won't get to see Justin until tomorrow afternoon as I have to go and try to convince the Foreigners Registration Office to issue extensions for all of our visa's, lets hope they have a heart, wish me luck.

Good night Justin, sleep well mate, when you open your eyes tomorrow morning, you'll be staring out across the grassy fields and you can look forward to us driving you mad all day long. I hope for your sake the pretty nurse still comes to visit you.


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