Friday, June 29, 2012

Justin update - 29th June 2012

I write this update whilst Janie and I sit at Justin's bedside in ward 108 Goa Medical College. It's 10.45pm, we are doing the night shift, the first of the 24 hour round the clock vigil that we will keep for him until further notice. But don't be alarmed, he's just taken a deep breath, independent of any breathing apparatus which he has now been free from since yesterday afternoon. He's sleeping now but only a moment ago, he opened his eyes for about the 5th time today, not fully but voluntarily. The fist time he did it was as we were shifting him from the trolly onto the ward bed. He looked, not through us but straight into Dad's eyes, and then into mine. He was clearly confused as one would be and tried to communicate something to us. His lips moved slightly but no sounds came out. He's done this a few more times since and again only moments ago. We can't tell you how elated we are, it's the first sign that there is some light in his eyes and the start of him regaining consciousness.

We are so grateful for the Doctors here that saved his life, the care that they provided in ICU was amazing but the ward is an entirely different animal. The plan now is to pray that the next 24 to 48 hours goes by without any problems then we can start the process of getting him moved to the private hospital. At least there we won't have to sleep on the floor of the ward only feet away from the the adjacent patients hanging urine bag.

Wish Justin, Janie and Myself a good nights sleep, I have a feeling that Justin will sleep like a log, Janie and I on the other hand… not so much.

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