Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Justin update - 3rd July 2012

I'm going to keep this short as I'm pretty tired and desperately need to sleep.

We finally moved Justin out of the government hospital today at approx 12 noon and arrived at the Nusi Wockhardt hospital at about 12.45pmn. Justin was taken straight into ICU for assessment and we felt a huge weight lifted from our shoulders. I'm confident that he is in good hands now. We had a brief consultation with the neurosurgeon who filled us in on Justin's condition and articulated it in a way that we could all understand. This was the first time that the full details and the severity of Justin's situation has been laid down in front of us. It was very difficult to hear and left us feeling completely deflated.

However, this overview was based on a mere 5 min check and the discharge notes provided by the Doctors at the Goa Medical College, so until he has completed his full assessment, we're trying to remain positive. We'll get the full picture in 24 to 48 hours once all the tests have come back.

We left Justin tonight, the first night he has been alone since leaving the ICU at the GMC, we all feel terrible as we've been caring for him round the clock for the last 5 days now. He looked at peace when I saw him to say goodbye and to reassure him that we'll be coming back tomorrow morning. He looked me straight in the eye and tried to mutter something to me. I wish I could understand what he's trying to say, I can only imagine what must be going through his mind at the moment. I hope he sleeps well anyway, he looked a lot more comfortable than he has done in the last several days. We are all shattered, Janie and I haven't slept for 4 days, mum and dad are exhausted from doing long daytime stints. I hope we all get some rest, tomorrow is a new day, a new start for Justin and my belief in him is as strong if not stronger than ever.


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