Sunday, June 24, 2012

Justin update - 24th June 2012

Tonight's visit was a difficult one for many reasons. When we find out during the day by phone call that there hasn't been any changes since the morning it makes us feel a bit deflated. We are told however not to expect and significant reactions or improvement from the morning to the evening due to the sedatives he is on during the day. There are now 4 of us that are desperate to spend time with him during these precious 10 min visits, the rules of the ICU only allow 2 people in for 10 min only, we were hoping that we could break it up into 2 x 5min slots. The staff there tonight were not happy with that at all so there was a real sense of urgency to see him, talk to him, rub his arms and legs etc, it all felt a bit rushed. He also had a bit of a fever again which we thought had gone yesterday, he was sweating a bit but it seemed awfully hot in there compared to the temperature in the morning. On the plus side, they have now removed the oxygen pump which only leaves the regulator to aid his breathing. For the first time, he took sigh and there was still some flickering of the eyes. It's so frustrating not being able to speak to any Doctors when you need to. Mum and Dad clearly have a lot of questions but It's Sunday so the Doctors were not available, and when they are, it's hard to pin them down. Hopefully the regular Doctors will be back for tomorrow's visit. we're going to avoid a repeat of tonight's visit by just letting 2 people spend the entire 10 min with him then the second couple in the evening, this hopefully should make for a calmer experience all round and Justin likes a bit of calm.
Here's to tomorrow, a new dawn, a new day, a new life for Justin, lets hope he's feeling good.

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