Sunday, June 24, 2012

Justin update - 24th June 2012

Mum and Dad are here, they arrived at 3.30am, tired and obviously anxious to see Justin. We arrived at the hospital a little before the 7.20am scheduled visiting time in the hope that we could get in earlier, it wasn't to be, there are pretty strict. Mum and I went in first, when we walked towards his bed I could see his eyes flickering and even lightly blinking, but still half closed. This was amazing to see. He looked so much better than he has done the previous days and has Janie has said in her post, for the first time, he looked like he was in a light sleep state as opposed to a deep coma state. This gave us real hope that he is on the brink of waking up.

It's really difficult to get any information out of the Doctors, positive or negative but it seemed that they were happy with the latest signs. Therefore we're happy to call it progress.

Dad and Janie followed in soon after, breaking all the ICU rules of only 2 at a time per bed, then Sinead tip toed in afterwards. Mum and Dad spoke to him, we massaged his hands and feet (Justin hates all this fuss at the best of times) I was so pleased that Mum and Dad got to see him at this stage, even though he's still got a long way to go, he looks a million times better, which we all know he'll be pleased about.

As always, thanks for all the support, this is truly amazing. Please keep it coming as together with Justin's incredible resilience and super human will power, the good WILL come out.

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