Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Justin update - 26th June 2012

The last couple of days have been a time of realising and accepting that the process is going to "take some time" in the words of the Doctors, without letting go of the absolute belief that Justin will pull through. I've said this before here, Justin has never done anything, unless it's in his own time, you can imagine how frustrating that was for mum and dad when we were kids. When he did eventually get around to doing anything, he would always be the first and best at it. You can imagine how frustrating that was for me when we were kids.

We were given some good news yesterday, he was now able to breath on his own which meant that he could be moved out of the ICU. He still had a slight fever but that seemed to be going down and the doctors were waiting for the results of the blood test to determine the cause. He was going to be removed from the ventilator support yesterday, however they found that he was still finding it a struggle to breath completely on his own. Because of this they have now been able to conclude that an area of the brain that affects the body temperature and breathing has still not quite recovered from the swelling. So again, this will take a little more time for that area to heal once the swelling has completely subsided. Considering just 3 days ago he had a high fever and was totally dependant on the ventilator support when can take this as a good sign that it's healing. In addition, it's also good that the fever is not caused by an infection of some sorts.

This morning I was lucky enough to be present when the Dr performed the "pinch" test, in fact he did more that a little pinch, he really twisted his nipple then was poking him in the eye, I was even wincing in pain. Its sounds horrible but this is all necessary to determine Justin's motor responses. Justin is really reacting to the pinching and even opening his eyes, in fact, he had his eyes half open and was blinking when we went in, this was great for Dad to see. What the Dr is really looking for is for Justin to clench his fist, as this is not so much a reflex but more a voluntary reaction to the pain. I think Justin will do more than just clench his fist when he finds out who's been twisting his nipple.

I played him some more Doors and left while Dad got to spend some time alone with him, this is the first time they have had a chance to be alone together since they arrived here. Dad and Justin are very much alike, I think out of everything today, this was the most important thing, for both of them.

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