Monday, June 25, 2012

Justin update - 25th June 2012

With so much riding on this morning, our expectations were high, maybe a little too high. There was just so little information coming from the Doctors over the weekend it was really frustrating for all of us, especially mum and dad who have only just arrived and have suddenly been confronted with the magnitude and severity of the situation.

The morning visits have always been more rewarding in that in the last few sessions we feel that there has been some significant progress and even some milestones. We went there feeling that today was going to be another good day. All we want him to do is to open his eyes, maybe we all want this a bit too much, maybe it's just too much to ask at this stage, who knows, we don't and nobody is telling us what to expect.

We had arranged that only 2 of us were going to get to see him this morning but we managed to wangle it so we all got to be with him for a bit. I was really pleased as I'd stood aside to allow mum and Janie to be with him for the full session. He looked peaceful again, his fever had gone down again and he is now breathing 100% on his own. In fact the ventilator support will be removed entirely, I think this is happening today. This means that he can come out of ICU and into a ward. There is some debate as to whether the ward is the best place for him. Our plan was to move him to the private hospital once he could breath on his own. However we have been strongly advised against this by the head of the neurological dept, he still has a fever and needs more time off the ventilator support. Since he will have to be moved out of ICU now he's off the ventilator, we agreed the ward is the best place for him at the moment. It also means that we can spend more time with him. The plan is still to move him to a private hospital but only when he's ready.

I played him some music, today was The Doors as he likes a bit of Jim Morrison. He was clenching his hand at one point and dad asked him to hold his and it looked like he unclenched so that dad could hold his hand. His eyes are still flickering/blinking too but there was no clear sign that he's ready to wake up just yet. The doctors don't see that as a huge sign anyway, in fact they are looking for more motor responses such as grabbing the doctor when they do the pinch test. I felt like telling the doctor that he'll do more than just grab you when he finds out who's been pinching him while he's been asleep, The was the first chance that we had a real proper consultation with the Dr so I didn't want to scare him.

We're going back in a couple of hours, I've got a bit of a cold coming to I don't think I should see him, especially as he's still fighting the fever.

As we left, I picked up my iphone and I could here the verse

Well, I've been down so Goddamn long
That it looks like up to me
Well, I've been down so very damn long
That it looks like up to me
Yeah, why don't one you people
C'mon and set me free

I left it to play out.

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