Saturday, June 23, 2012

Justin update - 23rd June 2012

We just returned from the evening visitors session, it's tough because we only get 2 sessions per day and they only last 10 min each, 10 min is such a short time to gauge any progress. This morning we had a real breakthrough, a milestone in his road to recovery. By opening his eyes for a brief moment was the first sign that he WILL regain consciousness. But we shouldn't rush this process, he needs to wake up in his own time, and trust me, Justin only does things in his own time.

There was no further significant progress throughout the day, although we were secretly hoping there would be. He is still responding to our voices and touch and there seemed to be some effort to vocally communicate with us but it was difficult to tell. We played him some Starsailor and reminded him that he can always call on his angels for a bit of help.

Mum and Dad will be here tomorrow morning, they'll see him for the first time and it doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, there is no greater love than that of your first child.

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