Friday, June 22, 2012

Justin update - 22nd June 2012

I arrived in Goa this morning at 6.30m and went straight to the hospital with Sinead, Janie and Susan. Janie and I were allowed into see Justin at 7.30am. My heart sank when I saw him for the first time, but Janie has been an absolute rock. It seemed initially that there had been some improvement, the doctors explained that he is now able to breath on his own, although he still requires the ventilator as support. We both talked to him and touched him, he seemed to be responsive albeit a little anxious and tense at times. He also has a fever which is being treated and is coming down.

Unfortunately there was no sign of him waking up. He then had to go for a routine CT scan to see if there was any evidence of the blood clot that was previously removed. The results showed that there was no sign of the blood clot, we accepted this as a small step forward. However it was felt that in order to reduce the risk of damage to the brain, the cranial flap was to be removed to allow greater blood flow and to reduce any potential pressure to that area of the brain. He also needed a tracheotomy so the ventilator could be removed from his mouth. Both operations were successful and he looked a lot better without the pipe in his mouth. We left there whilst he recovered in peace after his surgery, with a different sense of hope.

Now I want to be frank, he is still very much fighting for his life, the next four days are absolutely crucial and we need everyone to continue to pray or do whatever we need to do to send happy positive vibes his way, It's working and I know he can feel it, we all do. Justin will fight his way out of this, I know it, and he will win just like he always does.

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