Saturday, June 23, 2012

Quick update - 23rd June 2012

We have just got back from the hospital following the early morning visit. He was still asleep when we arrived and were told that there was very little improvement, although his physical reactions seemed to be a lot better and his breathing is vastly improved. We are talking to him, keeping it positive, passing on all the amazing messages of love and support, touching him, played him some music and tried to stimulate his senses. He is definitely reacting to all of this, his eyes were flicking and moving.
The Doctor then came over and pinched his chest really hard, Justin winced in pain, brought his arm up and then OPENED HIS EYES!!!!

This is a massive leap forward and the first sign that he is beginning to regain consciousness. His eyes remained open for sometime, we talked to him, reassured him, he knew we there for sure. After a couple of minutes he relaxed and went back to sleep as he is still under some sedation. We will go back again in a couple of hours.

To the hundreds of people from all over the world, and that's just on this page, to everyone who has left messages, prayed, sent positive vibes and are generally willing him on. Together with his amazing will power and determination, It is working. My parents arrive here in Goa early tomorrow morning, all we ask is that they can look into eyes and tell him that they love him.

You are all amazing, thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us keep the faith and our spirits alive.

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