Monday, August 27, 2012

Justin update - 27th August 2012

This update is from Max Chandra

As I have previously mentioned on the Facebook group, it has been some two months since I have last seen Justin at which time he had been lying immobile in a semi-coma at the government hospital in Panjim, pipes coming from his nose and throat, an absent look in his eyes, deep purple bruising throughout his upper left side, severe swelling of his right arm and, of course, some serious head injuries.

Since then I have been following Justin’s progress, as have we all, through the heartfelt and candid voice of Scott and during several conversations that he and I have shared during the course of my absence from India.

I met Justin several years ago, at a beach party in Palolem. We spoke very briefly yet a quiet friendship developed over the course of that season with the last couple of years being when we got to know each other properly. There began a mutual respect and back up for one another that may have even gone unnoticed by our peers. We wouldn’t see each other or speak for days or weeks at a time but when we did it was for a reason, we wanted to catch up, had things to talk about and we trusted each others thoughts and opinions. This is in my mind as I am on my way to see him.

I am now with Scott as we approach the private hospital where Justin now receives the care that he needs.  My heart skips a few beats as Scott prepares me to expect many tears from Justin and I wondered how many tears I may shed myself as I see my mate for the first time since my return to India.

Jan, Justin's mum met me outside of his room and gave me a hug while Scott prepared Justin for my visit.  My heartbeat is now galloping from the apprehension that stirs within me, of seeing Justin for myself and to gauge my own thoughts of the progress that he has made. The door to his room opens, Scott comes out and I go in.

The room lights up, as does my heart, as Justin welcomes me with a broad smile, a “Hello mate” and his hand of friendship. His grip was weak but good as we both held firm as I lent down and kissed him on the cheek and receiving a kiss in return.

He maintains eye contact as we speak. There is a fair amount of mumbling between a few perfect words and he seems to understand some of what I am saying but finds it difficult to vocalize his thoughts. He wants to show me what he is able to do on a physical level by stretching his legs out as much as he is able with clear signs of pain. I feel that Justin somehow associates me with physical activity from within his memories when I used to train him.

He spoke constantly throughout my visit although I was unable to decipher much of what he is trying to say but I do believe that he knows what he is saying in his own mind.  I find this very frustrating as I desperately want to understand him and cannot imagine how frustrating it might be for him.  I shall be honest in saying that at no point did Justin and I have a full conversation. He repeated the odd word within a sentence but I do not think that he always understands what that word might mean.

He did, as Scott said he would, shed a few tears, as did I silently from within. But not from sadness or concern for my dear friend, my tears came from marvel and wonder.  Justin may not be speaking fluently and coherently but he certainly is thinking and attempting to convey these thoughts in his mind through his lips. He is moving every limb, some better than others. He is eating solid foods and the pipes from his throat and nose are gone. The purple and swelling are also gone. The wounds to his head have healed well and he has a good crop of hair, still no greys!!  For me, the greatest joy was seeing life and awareness within his eyes that were all but vacant not so long ago.

On my second visit to Justin I gave him some one on one physio and then aided the physiotherapist that tends to him each day. I cannot say how my session may have differed from any previous sessions that he has had but I can say that he fought through pain and tiredness every step of the way as if to please me with his efforts which he surely did. He cried out in pain a few times, pushed out an extra rep here and there and cussed me out quite a lot, as he did when I used to train him before so nothing new there!!

Whether one believes in miracles or not one cannot doubt that Justin’s progress is miraculous. I for one believe that the word miraculous will continue to be used as we watch Justin from near and afar as he fights with true grit and determination onwards and upwards, no longer for his life but for the life that he wants to lead.



  1. praying for lots of strength for each one of you as Justin draws his strength from all your positivity.
